Credit cards and other debt are a massive problem for a lot of people. In fact, most people that have debt don’t believe they will ever get it paid off in their lifetime. Consumer debt is a multi-trillion dollar problem that keeps people in bondage, affects relationships, and limits the freedom live your life on your […]
Credit Score
How to Increase Your Credit Score Without Using Credit Cards
If you’ve been reading the Celebrating Financial Freedom blog for long, you know I’m not a big fan of credit scores. In fact, I believe the best credit score is no score at all. So why would I write a post about how to increase your credit score? Well, in some cases it’s easier to […]
Living Without a Credit Score- Your Questions Answered
Living without a credit score is one of the basics of personal finance that I teach on a regular basis. However, I’ve found that telling people they don’t need a credit score tends to freak people out a little. Most people get this weird look on their face and politely listen to what I’m saying. […]
How to Live Without Credit Cards- It’s Easier Than You Think!
Can you really live without credit cards and still live like a normal person? Well, yes and no. You can live without using credit cards, but you certainly won’t be a normal person if you do, and that’s a good thing. Think about it, the average family has over $15,000 in credit card debt. When […]
You Don’t Need a Credit Score, Here’s an Alternative
Credit stinks. You don’t need a credit score. Credit wastes your money. You DON’T NEED a credit score Using credit will serve to keep you in perpetual debt. Once again, YOU DON”T NEED A CREDIT SCORE! Guess what? I don’t like credit. If you’ve been a participant here at CFF for very long or taken […]
You Do NOT Need a Credit Score
Do you have a credit score? I bet you do. Do you know what you score is? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. Do you believe that you really need a credit score to be financially successful? Most people do, and they are wrong. What Is a Credit Score? First, let’s take a look at […]