Are you living paycheck to paycheck and wondering how it happened? You're definitely not alone!
Studies show that 2/3 of families, and 1/3 of high income families ($75,000 and above) are living month to month with little or no emergency savings. How does that happen? Well, it happens for a lot of reasons. The good news is that most of those reasons are preventable.
Most people who are struggling to make ends meet believe that if they just made more money, their financial problems would be solved.
But the problem usually has very little to do with how much money you make, it’s how you behave with money. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, it’s how you use that money that counts.
I wrote these posts so that if you're struggling financially, you can discover the reasons why. Once you have that knowledge, then I'll show you the right path to start turning your finances around and ditch the monthly struggle for good!
In these posts, you'll learn how to manage your money better, how to change your mindset when it comes to money, how to change your habits with money, and much, much more!
Living Paycheck to Paycheck on a High Income- How Does That Happen?
Why I'm Living Paycheck to Paycheck- (and Why You Should Too!)
Living Paycheck to Paycheck on a High Income- How to Change Your Mindset
Living Paycheck to Paycheck on a High Income- How to Change Your Habits
Debt vs. Ownership- How to Create an Ownership Mentality
Living Paycheck to Paycheck- How You Can Get Ahead
Living Paycheck- How You Can Get Ahead (Part 2)
9 Tips for Creating Discipline With Money
Living Paycheck to Paycheck- How to Manage Your Money Better
More Money Won't Solve Your Problems- Here's What Actually Works