As you probably know, I like to talk a lot about financial abundance on this blog. I believe a proper view of wealth and how it should be used is a massively important part of the Christian walk. But so many of us are confused on the subject. There are plenty of different viewpoints available. They […]
Jewish Money Principles
The Ten Commandments of Making Money- Act Rich, and Never Retire
We’re finally down to the last two commandments in the “Ten Commandments of Making Money ” series based on the book “Thou Shall Prosper- Ten Commandments for Making Money ” by Rabbi Daniel Lapin. If you haven’t already, I strongly urge you to pick up the book. Read the Rest of the Series Here If […]
Ten Commandments For Making Money- Manage Change, Foretell the Future, and Know Your Money
So far in the “Ten Commandments For Making Money” series, you’ve learned Jewish wisdom about being a leader, knowing yourself, why you shouldn’t pursue perfection, the dignity and morality of business, and extending your connectedness. Read the Rest of the series here Today I’ll reveal commandments #6, 7, and 8 from the book by Rabbi […]
Ten Commandments For Making Money- Know Yourself, Be a Leader, and Don’t Pursue Perfection
This is the second installment in my latest series, “Ten Commandments For Making Money- What You Can Learn From The Jewish People About Money and Business” (read the first post here). In this second post, I’ll cover commandments 3, 4, and 5 where you’ll learn Of course, these commandments are based on the incredible book […]
Ten Commandments For Making Money- Jewish Teaching About Money & Business
Why have the Jewish people always been considered to be more successful in business than other segments of society? Is the Jewish phenomenon a myth, or is there something special that allows them to be more successful at business and making money in general? In his book “Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money”, […]