Paying off student loans has become a huge problem in the U.S. In fact, this problem is causing financial strain for millions of us. As of the first quarter of 2018, total student loan debt now exceeds $1.5 Trillion. Ant the average U.S. household with student debt owes $47,671, according to NerdWallet’s 2018 household debt study. […]
Student Loans
How to Avoid Student Loan Debt and Win at Paying for College
Student loan debt is a huge drag on our economy! Students are leaving school with more and more debt every year, adding up to well over $1 Trillion in total outstanding student loan debt! Unfortunately, this massive debt hurts the overall economy. It keeps people in bondage for decades, preventing them from affording what they […]
SoFi Review- How to Refinance Your Student Loans and Pay Them Off Faster
You’ll never find me recommending you take out student loans to get an education. But believe it or not, not everyone follows my advice! If you need to refinance your student loans, there are some good options available to help you pay off your student loan debt faster. In this article, I’ll tell you about […]
How to Avoid Student Loan Debt With Weird Scholarships
Weird scholarships can come in really handy to pay for college. College tuition is expensive, and student loans are not a good solution by any means. Here’s a guest post from Pyper Barnes who is a current college student and runs a unique website named where you can find all kinds of unusual scholarship […]