It's almost that time again- Black Friday! It can be a very hectic time when you're fighting the massive crowds, hoping to find the best deals for your Christmas shopping list. In fact, it can be downright chaos! Making sure that you are organized is key. If you get too caught up in the madness, you might not find all the deals you're looking for.
So if you're looking for a way to stay organized during your Black Friday shopping, I'm here to help!
I've created a free printable shopping list (available at the bottom of the page) to help you stay organized while your battling the surging sea of people you're sure to encounter on Black Friday. All you have to do is use the form to make a list of each store you plan to visit, then list each item you plan to buy at that store along with the price.
As you make your rounds and purchase each item, just check it off the list.
Stay Organized for Black Friday
Having a shopping list to work from on Black Friday helps you to stay on task, instead of getting sidetracked by the huge crowds and flashy marketing.
Most importantly, if you follow the Celebrating Financial Freedom philosophy of never using credit cards, you will use only cash, check, or debit cards, stick to your list, and never go into debt for Christmas!
What a great feeling that will be come January!
Click Here to download and print your free Black Friday Shopping List
By the way, here are a few of my more popular articles for the Christmas season that might interest you:
[…] Calber at Celebrating Financial Freedom offers a free printable Black Friday Shopping List, to keep shoppers from getting off track and […]