How could you possibly talk yourself out of debt? Could getting out of debt really be that easy? Well no, it’s not actually. It’s not as easy as just talking to yourself in the right way. There has to be action. Even the bible says “In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends […]
Get Out of Debt
How to Start an Envelope System and Budget With Cash
Starting an envelope system along with a consistent monthly budget is absolutely the best way to operate your finances, period. If you consistently have trouble knowing where all your money goes, and having the discipline to keep from spending too much, then using an envelope system (along with a detailed budget) to manage your finances […]
Should You Tithe While Getting Out of Debt?
One question I’m frequently asked is “Should I continue to tithe while I’m getting out of debt?” Or sometimes I get its close cousin “Why should I start tithing if I’m trying to get out of debt?” These are questions that don’t always have an easy answer when you’re a Christian trying to pay off debt. […]
How Apryl and Her Husband Paid off $35,000 in Credit Card Debt
Credit card debt is one of the easiest ways to get into debt. I remember the very first credit card I got. I was almost 18 yrs old and I received a catalog in the mail with a credit card offer right on the front. It was the “no interest or payments for the next […]
Ask Jason Episode #2- Should You Take Loans from Your 401k?, How to Start Investing, Eliminating Debt
In this episode, I’m answering my readers’ personal finance questions about 401k loans, how to start investing, and how to start getting out of debt: I’m giving in-depth answers to these questions and more! You can find the resources mentioned in the video, along with the transcript below… Resources Mentioned in the Video Would you […]
Ask Jason Episode #1- Budgeting, Making Extra Money, and Getting Out of Debt
I’m answering your personal finance questions today! The first in an ongoing series answering financial questions from my followers. Today I’m answering questions about budgeting, money making ideas, being frustrated while trying to get out of debt. The video and audio are not the best for this first effort. But you’ll still get the great […]