Using credit cards to fund your life is not something I recommend. But like so many, you may believe the credit card lies disguised as truth, keeping you in perpetual debt and struggling financially. Personally, I think credit cards are not a necessity like so many others do. I’ll get to that later in this […]
Credit Cards
Should I Tithe by Credit Card ?
Today I might be opening up a can of worms by writing about tithing using a credit card . You may not agree with what I’ve written in today’s post, but I’d love to hear your opinion in the comments. If you’ve attended church for more than a couple of years, you’ve probably noticed that many churches […]
The 20 Best Ways to Use Your Credit Cards Wisely
When you read the title above about using credit cards wisely and then you realize on which site it is you’re reading this, you’ll probably start thinking to yourself , “OK, I guess Doc has finally gone off the deep end.” Because you know if you’ve been frequenting this site for more than a few […]
Are You Leaking Money?- How to Get Rid of Money Leaks
Money leaks, just like water leaks, can be devastating. Have you ever had a leak in your house that caused a lot of damage and cost a lot of money to fix? A couple of years ago, my family and I went to the grandparent’s house for the long Thanksgiving weekend. We had a good […]