When you read the title above about using credit cards wisely and then you realize on which site it is you’re reading this, you’ll probably start thinking to yourself , “OK, I guess Doc has finally gone off the deep end.” Because you know if you’ve been frequenting this site for more than a few days, I hate debt, and I especially hate credit cards.
So what gives?
Credit Cards Aren't All Bad
Well, believe it or not, I don’t think credit cards are completely bad. I do think they have some socially redeeming value, but maybe just not for the use they were intended.
A credit card can be a very handy piece of plastic that you can find a ton of uses for if you just make the effort to be a little creative.
20 Ways to Use Your Credit Cards Wisely
- Colorful coasters- to keep glasses from leaving a ring on your furniture.
- You can throw them like a ninja throwing star while dressed up as the “Debt Buster” superhero, complete with cape and tights (Something I’ve never wanted to do… wink, wink)
- Throw them in Vitamix blender and use them as confetti
- Duct tape it to your kids bike so it will flap in the spokes and make it sound like a motorcycle.
- Cut them into strips and use as toothpicks.
- Use them to scrape ice off your windshield.
- Use them as a shim to even up a wobbly table.
- Put it in your recycling bin to be recycled.
- Use it as a bookmark in your favorite personal finance book.
- Use a Pick Punch to make them into guitar picks.
- A crumb scraper for your dinner table.
- Pop open a door lock with it.
- Scrape bumper stickers off your car. It won’t scratch the paint.
- They make a great putty knife when repairing dings in your walls.
- You can use it to scrape the algae off the glass on the inside of your aquarium. Your fish will thank you.
- Cut them up and use them as mosaic tiles.
- Use as a scraper to scrape the dried food off your dishes.
- Use as a caulking tool to get that perfect uniform bead that looks so good.
- Cut in half and use as a tongue scraper (Yeah, credit cards make me gag too).
- If you have enough of them, throw them in your fire pit to help keep you warm in the cold weather.
The Worst Way to Use a Credit Card
Of course, whatever you do, under any circumstance, never, never, never actually use a credit card to buy anything. That’s probably the worst way to use a credit card that I could ever think of.
And remember, the best way to use credit cards wisely is not to have them at all.
Question: Do you know of any other good ways to use a credit card? Let me know in the comments.
Check Out the CFF Credit Cards Page Here
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Carrie Smith says
Lol. Use them as a tongue scraper. That’s one of my favorites on the list. There are some good ideas on here. I agree with your point of view, for the most part credit cards are much more useful than their intended purpose.
Invest In 2012 says
"Cut ’em up". Best advice ever. If you’re rich, you don’t need credit cards. Just use a debit card. Credit card companies only give you 1% anyways.
I Am 1 Percent says
I get 6% on groceries, 5% back on gas, and 2% back on everything else.
Dr. Cabler says
"If you’re rich, you don’t need credit cards" If you’re less than rich, you need credit cards even less. They tend to bite most people in the butt.
I Am 1 Percent says
I just came across your blog, so I’m not sure what your complete position is on credit cards, but there is a place for them practically. If you’re able to pay them off every month, its almost a loss not to use them with all the current cash back rebates. I get 6% back from grocery stores, at least 3% back on gas, and 2% back on everything else.
Dr. Cabler says
Okay, well to put it gently, I HATE credit cards! Sure there are a few people who have the discipline to pay them off every month and keep things completely under control, but most people don’t do that. Some can do it for awhile but then credit card debt creeps up on them because they had a little slip here and there and before they know it, there is a pile of debt. If you can keep that completely under control and never pay any interest or fees, then more power to you. One thing I do try to educate people on though, is that even if you use cards and have no credit card debt, using credit cards is so easy that you end up spending an average of 12% more than if you had used cash. The ease of using a card just doesn’t hurt like using the green stuff. It’s kind of like an invisible tax on your purchases, so be aware.
I Am 1 Percent says
Thanks for being so gentle! I hear you, there are people who can’t control their spending, but for people who can, credit cards are the better choice. I’ve also heard about the data on spending more using a credit card, but also consider the invisible tax on all goods and services because for businesses that accept cash AND credit cards, they build in the fees into the cost of the good so cash paying customers are paying more than a credit card customer.