Credit card debt is one of the easiest ways to get into debt. I remember the very first credit card I got. I was almost 18 yrs old and I received a catalog in the mail with a credit card offer right on the front. It was the “no interest or payments for the next […]
Credit Cards
How to Budget for a Debt-Free Vacation With No Stress
How do you usually budget for a vacation? Do you go on a debt-free vacation, or do you put it all on credit cards and worry about making payments on your vacation later? If you’re like most people, you’re probably not paying cash for a debt-free getaway. Unfortunately, that tends to cause a lot of […]
Minimum Credit Card Payments- Are They Really Affordable?
Minimum credit card payments– are they really an affordable way to pay off credit card debt? In today’s article I’ll show you why paying the minimum payment on your credit cards is a fool’s game. It keeps you in perpetual debt for years, if not decades. Read on and get the sad scoop. Why Use […]
4 Signs You’re Letting Credit Control Your Life- and What You Can Do About it
Credit cards and other debt are a massive problem for a lot of people. In fact, most people that have debt don’t believe they will ever get it paid off in their lifetime. Consumer debt is a multi-trillion dollar problem that keeps people in bondage, affects relationships, and limits the freedom live your life on your […]
How to Get a Lower Interest Rate on Your Credit Cards
Getting a lower interest rate on your credit card is something you can do with just one phone call. We’ve all been there- you get sucked in by those low 0% introductory rates, build up a huge credit card balance, then get hit hard with interest rates as high as 28% once the low intro […]
25 Quick and Easy Ways to Make Money to Pay Off Credit Card Debt
Credit card debt is one of the most common types of debt that’ll keep you in constant bondage. And one of the best things I recommend to pay off debt of any kind, is to find ways to make extra money. The great thing is, there are a TON of quick and easy ways to […]