When you decide it’s time to buy a home, especially for the first time, there are a lot of very important details you need to know that can save you a massive amount of time, money, and problems if you just make an effort to pay attention to what you’re doing and use a little […]
4 Tips to Create a Get Out of Debt Mindset
When you decide you want to change your life, your habits, your finances, or whatever else, the first step you have to take is to create a mindset within yourself that allows you to succeed. That’s especially true with finances. When your goal is to get out of debt, you have to create a get […]
Are You a “Financially Fragile” American?
I read in a recent Wall Street Journal article by Phil Izzo, that about half of all Americans would have to sell some of their possessions in order to come up with $2,000 cash within 30 days. They called these people financially fragile. That’s an extremely startling statistic. Especially when you consider that a typical […]
Don’t Eat the Goldfish- 11 Crazy Money Saving Ideas
I was trolling the internet yesterday looking for some of the crazy and stupid things people do to save money. Oh my Lord, the craziness! People will engage in some serious strangeness when it comes to money saving ideas. Of course, saving money wherever you can is a good thing, especially when you’re trying to […]