Negotiating credit card debt is an incredibly valuable strategy to help you get out of debt faster. Not only does negotiating debt help lower your payments, it also helps you take control of your finances where before you may have felt powerless. When you have a ton of credit card debt, it can feel like […]
How to Earn Six Figures and Still Be Broke
Six figures and broke. Sounds like a problem that somebody made up. But earning a six figure income and living paycheck to paycheck is a much more common problem than you might imagine. Amazingly, at least one-fourth of people making a six figure salary are struggling financially every month. So how does that happen? You Can […]
10 Reasons You Will Never Get Out of Debt
I realize the title 10 Reasons You Will Never Get out of Debt might sound a little harsh, but I wrote it that way for a reason. I’ve been teaching people how to manage money better and get out of debt for over a decade now, and I’ve seen a pattern of behavior in many […]
9 Ways to Build Your $1,000 Emergency Fund Quickly
When you’re starting to get out of debt, one of the first steps I recommend in my online course is to build a $1,000 emergency fund. When you’re getting out of debt, an emergency fund is absolutely necessary, because emergencies have a bad habit of happening at the worst possible time. If you’re not prepared for […]
How to Increase Your Credit Score Without Using Credit Cards
If you’ve been reading the Celebrating Financial Freedom blog for long, you know I’m not a big fan of credit scores. In fact, I believe the best credit score is no score at all. So why would I write a post about how to increase your credit score? Well, in some cases it’s easier to […]
13 Better Money Habits You Need to Get Out of Debt
Developing better money habits that lead to getting out of debt is one of those things everybody knows they should do, but sadly most don’t. I know Angie and I struggled for years with nagging debt that never seemed to go away. It wasn’t until we changed our money habits and our mindset about money […]