Credit cards and other debt are a massive problem for a lot of people. In fact, most people that have debt don’t believe they will ever get it paid off in their lifetime. Consumer debt is a multi-trillion dollar problem that keeps people in bondage, affects relationships, and limits the freedom live your life on your […]
5 Steps for Getting Out of Debt You Can Do Right Now
Ever tried getting out of debt but don’t know the first steps to get started? It’s easy to want to get out of debt, but for many people that never translates to actually taking the right steps to begin the process. In this article, I’ll show you the best first steps you can take right […]
Debt vs. Ownership- How to Create an Ownership Mentality
Debt vs. ownership is a concept that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. I’ve come to the realization that too many people simply don’t understand the effects debt has on their lives. Once you truly understand the multitude of consequences of being in debt, you discover financial opportunities most people don’t realize are possible. The key is […]
Top 10 Money Myths That Keep You in Financial Bondage
Money myths are a tricky thing. Many times they are passed down and reinforced by people we trust such as parents or friends. These people usually mean well, but they don’t always have their facts straight. Unfortunately, most people who perpetuate these myths about money are broke (or close to it). So today, I’m going […]
SoFi Review- How to Refinance Your Student Loans and Pay Them Off Faster
You’ll never find me recommending you take out student loans to get an education. But believe it or not, not everyone follows my advice! If you need to refinance your student loans, there are some good options available to help you pay off your student loan debt faster. In this article, I’ll tell you about […]
Achieve Goals and Get Out of Debt One Step at a Time- Small Victories Win the War
When you want to achieve goals related to debt freedom, it seems like a daunting task. It’s easy to be intimidated by such a huge financial goal. Once you realize what you’re up against, you’re ready to give up on getting out of debt before you even start! So how do you overcome the overwhelming […]