This is the second installment in my latest series, “Ten Commandments For Making Money- What You Can Learn From The Jewish People About Money and Business” (read the first post here). In this second post, I’ll cover commandments 3, 4, and 5 where you’ll learn Of course, these commandments are based on the incredible book […]
Biblical Finance
Ten Commandments For Making Money- Jewish Teaching About Money & Business
Why have the Jewish people always been considered to be more successful in business than other segments of society? Is the Jewish phenomenon a myth, or is there something special that allows them to be more successful at business and making money in general? In his book “Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money”, […]
Should You Start Tithing When Getting Out of Debt?
In my last article “Should You Tithe While You’re Getting Out of Debt” I gave you 3 questions to ask yourself to help decide how to make that decision. But what if you’re getting out of debt, you’re not yet a tither, but you’d like to be? How do you decide if you should pay […]
Control Your Money and Your Destiny
Learning to control your money plays a large part in controlling your destiny. How you control the money that flows in and out of your life plays a large part in the wealth you create in every part of your life, not just the part related to money, but the spiritual, relational, and physical as […]
Should I Tithe by Credit Card ?
Today I might be opening up a can of worms by writing about tithing using a credit card . You may not agree with what I’ve written in today’s post, but I’d love to hear your opinion in the comments. If you’ve attended church for more than a couple of years, you’ve probably noticed that many churches […]
Is It OK for Christians to Declare Bankruptcy?
You won’t go to Hell if you declare bankruptcy, let’s just go ahead and get that off the table first. Now, with that said, I want to address a question I’ve been asked many times. When it comes to being in debt, some situations are much worse than others. Most households in America have at […]