We all need a little encouragement every once in a while- especially when it comes to finances. Today I’ll give you some encouraging bible verses for your finances to help you see just what God has in store for you financially. These scriptures of encouragement have helped me out in a huge way over the […]
Biblical Finance
Abundance vs. Scarcity -Your Mindset Makes All the Difference
Have you listened to any of the constant barrage of financial news that always tells you the economy is terrible, even when it’s not? It seems that no matter whether the economy is good, bad, or indifferent, the news always has a negative slant. You rarely hear much about abundance and what’s going right in […]
9 Lessons on Finances & Success from King Solomon
King Solomon is generally considered to be one of the wealthiest men who ever lived. By some estimates, he may have been worth as much as 2 Trillion dollars. Yep, that’s trillions with a “T”! Solomon was also considered to be the wisest man who ever lived. He was sought out by people and rulers […]
Does God Want Us to Have Nice Things? The God and Wealth Debate Continues
Some people can get kind of weird when you start talking about God and wealth. So many of us are taught that poverty and lack of material goods breeds humility and brings you closer to God. At the other end of the spectrum are the preachers asking their flock for a new $65 million private […]
How to Create a Wealth Mindset Using the Biblical Law of Attraction
The law of attraction is an interesting concept that many Christians are a little leery of. Case in point: My wife Angie and I were at a fundraising dinner last night for a local ministry that we support. As we were leaving the venue, we were having a powerful conversation with our good friend Debbie […]
Havdalah- How to Have an Overflowing Cup of Financial Abundance
As you probably know, I like to talk a lot about financial abundance on this blog. I believe a proper view of wealth and how it should be used is a massively important part of the Christian walk. But so many of us are confused on the subject. There are plenty of different viewpoints available. They […]