Tithing can be a real hot button issue in a marriage when both spouses don’t agree on the subject. When one spouse is adamant about giving the tithe and the other is against it, there can be friction in the marriage. That’s never good for maintaining a healthy long term relationship. So what should you […]
Biblical Finance
How to Have Gratitude in the Midst of Struggle
As many of my long time readers know I had a couple of heart attacks last year. It was an experience that although it amounted to a small bump in the road health wise, gave me a changed perspective on a lot of things in my life, including my level of gratitude. Well, it’s happened […]
Does God Want You To Be Rich? The Wealth and Christianity Debate
There has always been a healthy debate among believers when it comes to wealth and Christianity. Some people argue that money is the root of all evil, which is inaccurate. Others say that we should strive to be wealthy because wealth is a blessing from God. When you read the Bible, you can find verses […]
The Ten Commandments of Making Money- Act Rich, and Never Retire
We’re finally down to the last two commandments in the “Ten Commandments of Making Money ” series based on the book “Thou Shall Prosper- Ten Commandments for Making Money ” by Rabbi Daniel Lapin. If you haven’t already, I strongly urge you to pick up the book. Read the Rest of the Series Here If […]
Ten Commandments For Making Money- Manage Change, Foretell the Future, and Know Your Money
So far in the “Ten Commandments For Making Money” series, you’ve learned Jewish wisdom about being a leader, knowing yourself, why you shouldn’t pursue perfection, the dignity and morality of business, and extending your connectedness. Read the Rest of the series here Today I’ll reveal commandments #6, 7, and 8 from the book by Rabbi […]
Heart, Mind, and Purse- A Great Video on What You Should Know About Giving
Not long ago, I was asked to preach the Sunday message at my church on what you should know about giving. It’s the first time I’ve ever been asked to do that. And I must say, it was an interesting and humbling experience! My pastor asked me to talk about giving. That’s great because money, […]