What does it mean to have financial independence? Better yet… what does it take to become truly wealthy in every sense of the word? True wealth and financial independence are two very different, but related, concepts. However, both require you to develop the right habits if you want to achieve real financial freedom and true […]
10 Creative Ways to Make Money on the Side, Even in a Bad Economy
Are you looking for ways to increase your income? These days, there are tons of side hustles you can use that didn’t even exist just a few years ago. It doesn’t matter if the economy is good or bad, there are literally hundreds of fun and creative ways to make money if that’s what you want […]
Cutting Back Won’t Solve Your Money Problems- Here’s What Works
Money problems are a huge concern for a lot of people. Unfortunately, figuring out how to solve your money problems can be a difficult, time consuming process. With the huge debt load so many people carry, money issues are a problem that just never seems to go away. In this article, I’ll show you the typical […]
7 Ways for Children to Start Making and Managing Money
As you continually pursue financial freedom and explore your options for ways to earn more money, it is a crucial time for children to learn to manage their money as well. In the time of social media, the concept of a lemonade stand might seem outdated. Also, with a majority of purchases being made online, […]
10 Tips For Negotiating With Debt Collectors- Know Your Rights!
Negotiating with debt collectors stinks! But when you know how to deal with debt collectors, the laws that govern them, and the games they play, then you can negotiate the best deal possible to pay down your debt. In this post, I’ll give you 10 solid tips for dealing with debt collectors you can use […]
How to Budget for a Debt-Free Vacation With No Stress
How do you usually budget for a vacation? Do you go on a debt-free vacation, or do you put it all on credit cards and worry about making payments on your vacation later? If you’re like most people, you’re probably not paying cash for a debt-free getaway. Unfortunately, that tends to cause a lot of […]
Never Make an Early Withdrawal from Your 401k! Why it Will Cost You Big Time
Would you raid your retirement accounts to make a down payment on a home? Recently, I read an article about millennials taking an early withdrawal from their 401k to fund a downpayment on a home. The article went on to say that most millennials who took an early withdrawal were dissatisfied with their choice. In […]
What is a Payday Loan and Why is it So Bad?
Is a Payday loan or cash advance loan a convenient way to get the quick cash you need? Or are they a huge ripoff you should avoid like your chain smoking aunt Tilley with the bright lipstick wanting to give you some “Christmas Sugar” when you were a kid? If you’ve been reading the CFF blog for […]
Paying Off Student Loans- How to Avoid College Debt Completely
Paying off student loans has become a huge problem in the U.S. In fact, this problem is causing financial strain for millions of us. As of the first quarter of 2018, total student loan debt now exceeds $1.5 Trillion. Ant the average U.S. household with student debt owes $47,671, according to NerdWallet’s 2018 household debt study. […]
Avoiding Financial Infidelity- Improve Your Marriage and Your Money!
According to the statistics, you probably have some level of financial infidelity going on in your marriage. Have you ever lied to your spouse about money? Do you have a bank account or credit card that your spouse doesn’t know about? In a survey done by CESI Debt Solutions, It was discovered that 20% of […]