Blogging can be a great way to make money online, but the vast majority of people who set out to have a money-making blog are unsuccessful. One of the main problems for many bloggers is the lack of a clear set of blogging goals to build their blog into something special. Being a successful blogger […]
The Novice Investor: What You Need to Know to Succeed
For the novice investor, successful investing takes attention and commitment. Strategized investments can be a rewarding way to build wealth and meet realistic financial goals. However, they are not the exclusive terrain of the mega-rich. Nor are they a fool-proof way to get-rich-quick. Common mistakes made by novice investors include opting for low-potential/low-return cash investments […]
Minimum Credit Card Payments- Are They Really Affordable?
Minimum credit card payments– are they really an affordable way to pay off credit card debt? In today’s article I’ll show you why paying the minimum payment on your credit cards is a fool’s game. It keeps you in perpetual debt for years, if not decades. Read on and get the sad scoop. Why Use […]
12 Online Business Ideas- Turn Your Laptop into a Money Making Machine!
I truly believe that starting an online business is one of the best ways to earn extra money, or even a full time income. You can make a few hundred dollars to a few hundred thousand dollars a month on the internet using nothing but your laptop! I personally know people who are making money […]
Building Wealth: 6 Ideas to Help Turn Your Pennies into Benjamins
Let’s face it: When it comes to money, we all want more of it. Unfortunately, few really understand what they need to do to earn more money. Sure, landing a better job or getting a raise will boost your income. That’s great, but a small bump in your paycheck usually isn’t enough for building wealth […]
How to Achieve Debt Freedom Without Sacrificing the Fun Stuff
In most cases, it’s not super easy to achieve debt freedom. But that doesn’t mean your life has to be miserable while you’re getting out of debt. In fact, you don’t have to sacrifice all the fun in your life just because you’re paying down debt.
You can still have fun!
In this post I’ll show you how to make a solid plan to achieve debt freedom without being miserable in the process.
7 Quick and Easy Ways to Improve Your Finances Today
No matter how well you manage your money, there’s always room to improve your finances. Whether it’s saving more money, managing your money more efficiently, or finding ways to make more money, there are tons of things you can do to improve your finances and meet your financial goals. Here are a few of my […]
10 Proven, Nontraditional Ways to Make a Six-Figure Income in 2023
Making a six-figure income seems to be the goal most people aim for these days. $100k doesn’t get you as far as it once did, but it’s still a worthy goal to shoot for nonetheless. The traditional route to a six figure job used to be all about getting a college degree and starting a […]
A Review of Personal Capital- A Great Tool to Manage Your Money Better
The following is a review for Personal Capital- which I believe is the best personal finance tool to help you get complete control of your finances. For years I’ve wanted to find an easier way to manage my money better. My goal was to be able to manage all my financial information in one place. […]
RealtyShares- How to Invest in Real Estate Without Debt or Becoming a Landlord
Real estate investing is by far one of the best ways there is to build life changing wealth. But investing in real estate isn’t easy. It usually takes a lot of money, and it’s extremely risky if you take on a lot of debt to invest in properties. Plus, in many cases you’re required to […]