Hello, and welcome to my first blog post! Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Dr. Jason Cabler and I teach people about personal finance.
Why, you may ask? Well, I am a nerd. Personal finance and investing are exciting to me. Yes you read that correctly, I think personal finance is fun, cool, off tha’ hook; It’s something that I love to do.
I can hear you now, “poor guy, must not have much of a life if that’s how he gets his enjoyment.” Actually I have a very good life. I have a wonderful wife and kids, an enjoyable career as a dentist, and great friends.
Life is good.
Me, Her, and Money
So how did I end up here, passionate about teaching people about money and finances?
Well, let me tell you my story.
Growing up in an upper middle class household, my parents always taught me to save my money, and I did just that.
In fact, it came easy to me. Fast forward through college and dental school, and after graduation I got a good job with a dental group for a couple of years and finally began making a good bit of money. I was single and able to save easily.
Then I met HER (my wife Angie). Not long after we married, it didn’t take long to find out that her view of money was much different than mine.
She grew up in a home that had always struggled financially, and because of this her ways of dealing with money were totally different than mine. The result was that we didn’t know how to effectively communicate about our money.
Many clashes (money fights) resulted, and we never seemed to be able to get ahead financially during the first few years of our marriage. Sure, we were able to save up a down payment for a house and buy a couple of cars (on credit), but we always seemed to be under the gun financially for a number of reasons.
We had more debt than I was comfortable with. I could never could figure out where all the money was going, and that worried me. That worry resulted in stress, and the stress erupted into more arguing.
Flash Forward a Couple of Years
My wife was the keeper of the checkbook. I was always over her shoulder checking things and asking questions about where the money went.
She didn’t like that too much.
Balancing the checkbook frustrated her, and all my questions didn’t make it any better. One day she had had enough and she threw the checkbook at me in frustration, yelling “You do it! I’ve had ENOUGH”.
That was par for the course when it came to communicating about money for us. What little communicating we did when it came to money was totally ineffective.
We Overcame Our Money Problems
Finally, we resolved to take a personal finance course to begin dealing with the problems we were having, and it truly changed our lives. We finally began communicating more effectively and made a plan to get out of debt. We worked our plan and soon became debt free except for our house.
We were finally on the same page financially. Money stress and money fights are nonexistent these days.
I'd Like to Teach You About Money
After that experience it became my mission to learn as much as I could about money and personal finance. I became extremely passionate about the subject and resolved to put together a personal finance course that teaches the common sense basics of becoming debt free along with the spiritual aspects of handling money well.
What you will see here is the culmination of years of study and writing to put together a personal finance course that will undoubtedly change the lives of countless people.
I sincerely hope you will become a subscriber to my blog and take this journey along with me wherever it leads. I can promise you this, you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and in the process you will learn something that will make your life better, guaranteed!
Just for your information, Angie learned to throw that check book from me! This is going to be amazing Dr. Cabler. Much success to you and this GREAT ADVENTURE!!!
You Obviously taught her well!!! Thank God there hasn’t been any flying checkbooks for a loooong time. No more money fights…Yaaaaay!!!
Congrats on getting the site up and running. I can’t wait to see what you do with the insight from the Quitter Conference.
Thanks man, It was great to meet you at the conference. You are officially the first commenter ever on CFF! Thanks a bunch!