If you’re like me, you always want to do better financially for yourself and your family. A financial breakthrough is something most of us want, but getting one can be tough if you don’t do the right things to make it happen.
In this article I’ll show you the top 5 things you can do to get the financial breakthrough you’ve been looking for.
The Average Joe Needs a Financial Breakthrough
If you’re the average American, you’re living paycheck to paycheck and have debt that’s keeping you in constant bondage.
Sound familiar?
It’s so easy to wind up deep in debt when you experience over 3,000 marketing messages per day telling you to buy, buy, buy!
Combine that with the general attitude that you need to have debt to make it in today’s marketplace, and it’s a bad recipe for constant financial problems that way too many of us end up with sooner or later.
If you’re having those kinds of financial problems in your life, what you’re probably looking for is a financial breakthrough.
It Takes a Plan To Get a Financial Breakthrough
When you have a mountain of debt, it’s usually because you don’t have a plan for your money. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and never make a solid financial plan that keeps you on the right track.
The result is you don’t have control over your money, and you end up spending more than you make. Do it year after year, and eventually it makes such a mess you realize you have to do something or you’ll end up bankrupt.
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5 Things You Need Right Now to Get Your Financial Breakthrough
The first something you need for your financial breakthrough is to start taking action to change your situation. Taking action means you are taking control of your money instead of your money controlling you.
You are no longer neglecting the role God gave you as a manager of His resources.
The path to taking action and achieving your financial breakthrough is only 5 steps, but these 5 steps will take you everywhere you need to go financially (and every other way) if you’re diligent:
Step 1: Snap Out of It
It’s important to realize that your debt problems will never get any better until you change a few things. To achieve a financial breakthrough, you can’t just keep doing what you’ve been doing, because you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting.
That’s when you have to snap out of it.
That’s when you have a come to Jesus meeting with yourself and say “Self, something’s gotta change!”
You have to decide that being in debt is no longer an option. It's time to do what it takes to leave that lifestyle behind for good.
Much like when the prodigal son looked at his terrible circumstances and came to his senses, he finally snapped out of it and returned to what he knew was right.
That’s the first step to get you on the right track.
Step 2: You Must Want to Change
Once you snap out of it and realize there’s a need for change in your finances, then you have to have the “want to” in order to make that change happen. It’s important to develop a spirit within yourself that's all about changing your mindset to one consistent with handling money well.
When your desire to start winning with money overcomes the laziness of doing the same old things, then you can start taking serious action toward your financial goals.
Step 3: You Must Take Action
Realizing you need to change and wanting to change are great, but that won’t accomplish anything unless there is action to go along with it. At this point it’s time to make a solid plan for getting out of debt, make more money, or whatever financial goals you’re trying to achieve.
But, silly as it sounds, making a plan is not enough!
You have to follow your plans.
That means getting the tough work done and sticking to your guns even when it’s hard. Just take one small step at a time. Once you start to see progress, you’ll be motivated to continue taking action toward your goal. Just make sure you’re doing everything you can, every day, to keep moving forward.
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Step 4: Develop Productive Habits
Part of taking action is making sure you leave the past behind and develop new habits for a better future.
Old habits die hard.
Changing those old unproductive habits into new productive ones usually takes significant time and effort. In fact, your brain will try to battle you all the way until you overcome its resistance. You have to do what it takes to win that battle and establish a new way of doing things.
Don’t try to start 10 new habits at once. You’ll just get overwhelmed and quit before you see any real progress. Pick one or two new habits you want to develop right now, get them established, then move on to another.
This is how you establish your new normal and move confidently into a better future.
Step 5: Check Your Relationships
Anytime you want a major change in your life, there will be some people that resist. If people in your life consistently drag you down or keep you from doing better, you should be careful.
I’m not saying you should dump your friends, but I do believe you should seriously limit your time around those people that are holding you back.
You are a reflection of who you spend most of your time with. If others are going nowhere fast and you want to do something extraordinary, then spend more time around extraordinary people.
Want to get out of debt? hang around debt free people and find out how they got that way. If you want to make more money or be self-employed, hang around high achievers and learn from them.
Your Breakthrough Depends on You
Ignoring these five basic concepts will never allow you to get the financial breakthrough you’re looking for. To go higher, it takes all these steps to be successful at whatever you want to achieve.
Getting your financial breakthrough mostly depends on you and what you’re willing to do to get it, along with trusting that God will honor your efforts as you rely on His guidance along the way. Going to the next level isn’t always easy, but the rewards are definitely worth it!
Question: What have you been doing to help bring about a financial breakthrough in your life? Leave a comment and let me know.
Almost a year ago It came into my mint the possibility of starting a business and I started thinking what could I do, and since the field I’m more familiar with is the custom cabinets I thought to talk to a friend of mine that I know for long time, so I tried calling him and when I reached out to him I asked him if he was buying the thing I was thinking to start my business with and he said yes, so went to the shop and ask for a list of cabinet doors and started looking for someone willing to make them for a part of the profit but it was putty hard because I didn’t knew anything about business to begin so the persons that I asked about it wanted to charge way too much to do them than my old friend didn’t wanted to pay more than he was paying, so I start felling frustrated and went back to my friend to talk to him, told him the guys I asked about it wanted to charge way too much, he knotice how I was feeling and made me understand that he would do something so I could get into a place where the product was produced, we also talk about the possibility of me starting a ministry working with companies like his and he seemed interested, now is been some time that I haven’t gone to the shop again to follow up, main reasons not enough clarity fear and doubt. But still need and want the financial breakthrough, but seems that I need more encouragement and enough self confidence to doit. I WOULD LOVe to talk to someone willing to help me out
Today Decemeber 12,2019. I will become better spiritually,mentally,physically,and most importantly financially. I want to be able to have my bills on auto pay and take vacations. Thank you for this I’ll keep you updated
Awesome! Speaking those things you want into existence is a great start Carla! Now go out and make them happen!
I have tried so much, I even went as far as borrowing money to starting a business, the business it still moving fine despite certain challenges, but unfortunately I have serious family challenge that needs finance and I don’t have. At this moment am disturbed.