The law of attraction is an interesting concept that many Christians are a little leery of. Case in point: My wife Angie and I were at a fundraising dinner last night for a local ministry that we support. As we were leaving the venue, we were having a powerful conversation with our good friend Debbie about wealth and success. Specifically, we were discussing how expanding our wealth allows us to do more and affect the world in a bigger way than we otherwise would.
One thing that Deb said really stuck with me and inspired me to write this post. She told us that a couple of times a day she declares out loud to herself this phrase:
“ Money Comes Easy and Often “
Wealth and The Law of Attraction
Deb explained that one thing that has been essential to building the success of her catering business and her wealth in general, is because she uses the Law of Attraction to bring more wealth into her life.
To many people, especially people of faith, the Law of Attraction is a new agey principle that seems to be a little “out there”. But could the Law of Attraction be a biblical principle too?
Keep reading and let’s find out…
What is the Law of Attraction?
Two of the most popular resources that teach the law of attraction are a book and a video called The Secret that became popular in 2006. However, this teaching had been around in different forms long before then.
The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that thinking positively and inviting good things into your life will cause you to have life changing results that improve your wealth, health, and happiness.
The Secret claims there is a natural law that like attracts like.
When you think positive thoughts, you attract positivity to you. If you think wealthy thoughts, you attract wealth and prosperity. Conversely, if you have angry or negative thoughts you will attract anger and negativity into your life.
The Law of Attraction and the Bible
If you’re a believer like I am, you probably believe that all natural laws were created by God. He created these natural laws to be constant and unchanging, just like God himself.
You can find evidence of the Law of Attraction in the Bible in several places. For instance:
“As a man thinks, so is he”- Proverbs 23:7
“A good man, out of the good treasure of his heart, brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaketh.”- Luke 6:45
“What you decide on shall be done, and light will shine on your ways” Job 22:28
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.…” Matthew 7:7-8
“…whoever shall say unto this mountain, be removed, and be cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things that he says shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he says”- Mark 11:23
It's a Biblical Law from God
When it comes down to it, the Law of Attraction is a biblical law that many in the secular world have taken hold of and used for their own purposes. The only difference I see is that the bible talks about this power as coming from God.
The more secular resources talk about the law of attraction using terms like “the Universe” and “Universal Energy” instead of God. It’s a secularized version of faith and belief in God’s power.
You can take God out of the Law of Attraction if you like, but that doesn’t make it any less of a Godly concept.
Wealth is a Mindset
Now back to our conversation with Deb. As we continued to talk, Deb reflected some of the concepts that I’ve been teaching over the years. One of the main points she made is that wealth is a mindset. You can’t truly be wealthy until you believe you can be wealthy.
We also talked about the fact that wealth building is not completely about money. Some other components of wealth that we talked about are:
- Happiness
- Love
- Peace
- Freedom
- Health
When you practice these things in your own life, they naturally gravitate to you. When you truly believe there is unlimited wealth available for you to tap into, it frees you up to start attracting wealth components into your life in abundance.
Wealth Is Not All About Money
There are plenty of people who have tons of money but they’re miserable.
That’s not true wealth.
They may have the money, and that can buy more freedom. But when they lack the other components of wealth they are not truly wealthy. What good does money do if you have no love, peace, or happiness to go with it? When you pursue all of the components that comprise true wealth, then God will make sure that all of those components come to you in abundance.
Wealth Takes Action
Some of the ways you do that are by giving, loving others, serving others, being excellent in your career, and generally making the world a better place. All this, done with the right attitude, will allow God to unlock the blessings he has stored up for you. Those actions allow that unchanging law of attraction to activate in your life.
It’s All About Faith
The law of attraction is all about faith. When you have an unwavering belief in obtaining the outcome you want in any situation, and you believe God can bring it to pass, then He says He will do it for you.
It’s about trusting in the outcome of your thoughts and actions even though present circumstances show no hope of it ever happening.
It may not always come in the time frame that you want. But God’s timing is perfect.
It may not happen in the exact way that you envisioned. But God’s ways are true.
In the end, God always makes sure that people who are faithful will get what they desire.
So I think I’m going to be like my friend Deb and make a new declaration over my finances.
“ Money Comes Easy and Often “
Question: Does the Law of Attraction really work? Have you used it in your own life? Leave a comment and tell me what you think.
In the New Testament, the Law of Attraction is actually referred to as simply Faith. So many Christians don’t have Faith, because Faith is basically what the law of attraction is.
Believe you already have what you desire. You already possess your desire in the spiritual realm with God, and by holding to that BELIEF that you have what you desire already, you magnetically attract it into this physical realm.
I can’t repeat the concept enough, because this concept needs to be drilled.
Right on- I love it!
Yes, I use this Law of Attraction, and it works!
Most people have so much junk in their subconscious minds surrounding success and money that they need to change their mental paradigm. The way to do that is through visualization, and affirmations.
People should have an open mind toward this concept, because most people look to the law of attraction with a cynical mindset. Being a cynic will get you NOWHERE.
Many law of attraction teachers (including Word of Faith speakers such as Joel Osteen, Kennett Copeland, etc) talk of the importance of speaking Words of Life. Most people speak so easily, and begrudgingly, regarding their financial situation that they have no clue that they are perpetuating it. The Secret is to declare that you are rich now, that you are wealthy now. That you have what you desire already. In spiritual truth we are wealthy, and have what we desire already, because we are God’s children and are immensely blessed. The Secret is to hold that Faith that YOU ALREADY HAVE WHAT YOU DESIRE in the spiritual realm with God, and by holding to that Faith, you will attract that spiritual reality into the physical realm.
Nice! Couldn’t have said it better myself! As my pastor says, you manifest what you magnify…
Hello Jason! This was an AWESOME post. I have been researching wealth mindset principles to gain improvement in my own life and business. However, it amazed me that so many of the articles I saw were from a Universalist mindset regarding wealth. You stated everything I know to be true in this post, I thank you for posting this for all to see! Best to You! And may money come easy and often for you as well! 🙂
Thanks Danielle! I’ve seen this idea secularized to death, but in the end it’s truly a godly principle. Just because people strip God out of something that’s the truth doesn’t make it any less true or godly.