Struggling with finances and you’re not sure why? You probably need to work on getting more organized. Let’s face it, no one succeeds financially without first getting their finances in order. When you’re unorganized, every part of your household finances suffers to some degree. In this article, I’ll show you the basics of how to […]
25 Best Side Hustles for Teachers to Make Extra Money
Teachers are massively important to a well-functioning society. Unfortunately, the vast majority of our educators aren’t paid as well as they should be. Because of that, I know plenty of teachers that are constantly on the lookout to make extra money with a side hustle. I have a soft spot for teachers. In fact, […]
How to Create Generational Wealth and Build a Lasting Financial Legacy
When you think about creating generational wealth for your family, it seems like a daunting task. Most of us are just trying to make ends meet on a daily basis, so building a lasting financial legacy is just a distant dream. The truth is, it’s not just for rich people. Anyone can build generational wealth […]
How to Fix the 9 Most Common Financial Problems Your Family is Facing
Dealing with financial problems is never fun. But unfortunately, most all of us have to do it at one time or another during our lives. Fortunately, when your family is in a financial bind, there is always a way to resolve the problem. In today’s article I’ll cover 9 of the most common financial problems […]
12 Easy, High Paying Side Hustles for Single Moms
As a single mom, it can be extremely difficult to make ends meet and still have a life. Especially when you have a full-time job, childcare expenses, and everything else you need to keep your family going. Fortunately, it’s now easier than ever to find a good, high paying side hustle for single moms to […]
How to Become Independently Wealthy- 15 Steps to Make it Happen
Becoming independently wealthy is a goal so many of us aspire to. But it seems so impossible to achieve. How do you do it? What steps do you need to take? Can you really do it, or is the independently wealthy lifestyle just for trust fund babies and tech entrepreneurs? In this article I’ll show […]
How to Work from Home with Amazon- 5 Profitable Ways to Do it
In today’s post, I’ll show you 5 options for how to work from home with Amazon. Some are relatively easy, and others take more time and effort. But if you’re dedicated, you can start making a lot of money working from home with the variety of moneymaking opportunities Amazon offers. One great thing is that […]
26 Inspiring Financial Freedom Quotes to Reach Your Money Goals
In today’s article I’ve got a ton of financial freedom quotes to help you reach your money goals. You can use them to stay inspired while you continue your step-by-step progress toward financial independence. Before we get to the quotes, I thought I’d talk first about what financial freedom really is, and how you can […]
12 Biblical Investing Principles to Build Massive Wealth
Money is the most frequently mentioned subject in the bible. According to some counts, it’s mentioned over 800 times! And many of those verses talk about investing in one way or another. In fact, the bible lays out a great number of specifics about how to invest your money wisely according to godly wisdom. And […]
How to Become a Proofreader and Earn Money From Home- Money Making Idea #24
Are you looking for a great side hustle you can use to earn money from home? Are you a detail oriented person who enjoys reading and is good at spotting typos and bad grammar? Great, you’re in the right place! This blog post will show you what you need to know to develop your skills […]