In the “How Do You Get Out of Debt?” Series I thought I had finished with part 7, I showed you every step it takes to take control of your financial situation and get out of debt.
But what I didn't talk about were some of the things that can potentially cause resistance to your get out of debt efforts.
Whenever you decide to do something that radically changes the way you live your life, it rarely comes easy. There will always be beliefs, habits, people, and even physical processes that resist your efforts at every turn.
You'll have to find ways to overcome resistance and keep moving forward.
To Get Out of Debt, You Have to Overcome Resistance
But in order reach your ultimate destination of debt freedom, you have to counter that resistance and be an overcomer.
As I see it, there are 3 types of resistance people generally encounter that stands in the way of getting out of debt and changing your financial life forever.
These three types of resistance might not affect everyone. But, they are common enough that you'll encounter at least one of them, if not all three.
Physical Resistance
Physical (Brain) Resistance- Your brain naturally resists forming new habits. When old habits are well established, you brain wants to continue doing the same old thing it's always done. So it convinces you that that new thing you're trying to do is too difficult, it won't work, it's not worth it, etc.
Solution: Tell yourself a different story. Actively tell yourself that getting out of debt is the best thing you can do for yourself financially. Use positive talk and do battle mentally every day. Tell yourself you can do it, it is worth it, and that you WILL succeed come Hell or high water.
Read more about why brain resistance happens and what to do about it here).
Resistance From People
Resistance From People- There may be certain people in your life that serve as resistance (intentionally or not) to you achieving debt freedom. They might say things like “No credit cards? That's crazy!” or “You can't get out of debt, it's too hard. You want to live like a monk for the rest of your life?”, or any number of “reasons” that they can get into your head and cause you to second guess the path you've chosen.
Or, it could be that friend who calls you up for a day of mindless shopping or dinner at a nice restaurant. When you tell them it's just not in the budget right now, they try to convince you anyway, saying “Just this once” or “Don't you want to have any fun?”.
These people may mean well in their own strange way. But if you let them influence you, they'll derail your get out of debt train like a stray cow in the middle of the tracks.
Solution: You have to let these people know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that getting out of debt is a top priority for you. Tell them you'd really like them to be on board with that. If they refuse to stop the negative talk and/or peer pressure, you may have to limit your contact with them for awhile. Whn you're with them, keep your conversations light, avoiding conversations about money and getting out of debt at all costs.
Spiritual Resistance
Spiritual Resistance- Much like what happens with physical brain resistance, your spirit, and the enemy that resides therein, may try to convince you that it's too hard, you'll never make it, or you're not worthy to live a debt free life. Much like the physical battle in your brain, the battle in your spirit can be just as difficult.
Solution: Stay close to God in prayer. He wants you to live a life free from financial struggle.
The closer you stay to Him and follow His ways, the better you'll be able to overcome any resistance that comes your way. Any time you attempt to make your life better, change habits, or overcome adversity, there will always be resistance. Whether it's internal or external, recognize that resistance WILL come and there is always a way to overcome it.
As they say, “Nothing good comes easy”
Be an Overcomer
When I think about overcoming obstacles, I like to think about the Biblical story of Jacob and his struggle at the stream of Jabbok (Genesis 32: 22-29).
Jacob was leaving a bad situation for the land that God promised him, but before he could cross over, he met with resistance, wrestling with a man throughout the night, never giving up. After his struggle was complete, he was allowed to cross over into the land that was promised. God changed his name forever to Israel, and he became great.
You can do it too!
Overcome the resistance!
Question: Have you encountered any resistance while trying to improve your finances? How did you handle it?
Tell me about it in the comments.
Click this link to read the rest of the articles in the “How Do You Get Out of Debt?” series
Eliminate Debt by Telling Yourself a Different Story
Laurie says
Great post, Jason. Not very many realize that there will be spiritual resistance as well. I can’t tell you how valuable this post is to us, as we’re just beginning our road to debt free and need all the advice we can get! Thanks!
Dr. Cabler says
Awesome! Glad to know that this post is a help to you. Keep on that road to becoming debt free and you’ll arrive before you know it. I’d be honored if you would share this article with your friends on social media. More people need to know this stuff!
randy says
Great taking points. It can be done !
Dr. Cabler says
Yes it can be done! You just have to overcome the resistance.